VL-3 Trip to Sicily

As every year, the VL-3 entousiasts, on JMB Germany’s invitation, make an extended trip, mostly down South. 2019, we flew to Sicily, starting with a notable six-country-flight to Bari (Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo, Monte-Negro and finally Italy). Further destinations were various little fields in Sicily, a flight to the impressive Aetna, Stromboli, Salerno (including a car-trip to Capri), Serrestori, Venice and back home.

Abstract Beauty: The Island of Sylt

This is (so far) the only video post that has been shot from a different airplane than my VL-3. I try to keep the service down-times as short as possible. But from time to time, maintenance days are unavoidable. This way, I realized that it can be very good fun to ride along and just observe, as I had the chance to on a flight with Klaus and Marko in their comfortable Cessna P210.

Low Approach TXL

Low Approach at EDDT 08L

Manchmal hat man Glück. Beim Überflug von Tegel fragte uns der Controller, ob wir Lust hätten, einen Low Approach über die 08L zu fliegen. Dieses nette Angebot konnten wir natürlich nicht ablehnen…

Und weil auf den Weitwinkel-Aufnahmen der iPhones alles immer so leer aussieht, hier noch der tatsächliche Verlauf. Vor uns landete eine Eurowings Bombardier Dash 8, Tail D-ABQR, aus Stuttgart und gleichzeitig mit unserem tiefen Überflug startete ein Eurowings Airbus A319, Tail D-AKNU, nach Split….den Airbus kann man zweimal kurz erkennen. Die Dash 8 sieht man beim Abrollen.

ATC: D-MPCS, what is your type of aircraft?
CS: A VL-3.
ATC: Can you make a low approach on 08L?
CS: Affirmative.
ATC: Hold one nautical mile north of the field. Stand by for a landing Eurowings. Then report base.
CS: Hold north of field. Report base. Wilco.
…(Eurowings nach einem Vollkreis vor uns gelandet, aber noch auf den Bahn)
CS: D-MPCS, left base 08L.
ATC: Roger. Cleared for low approach on 08L. Caution possible wake turbulence by an Airbus taking off 08R.
CS: Cleared for low approach on 08L.
…und nach dem tiefen Überflug:
CS: Thank you for this opportunity!
ATC: That’s o.k. Turn right direct Oscar and call Schönefeld tower on 119.575…
CS: Right turn direct Oscar and Schönfeld tower on 119,575. Have a good day.

VL-3 Trip to Croatia 2017

As the rookie of the VL-3 expert group that year, I had the priviledge to edit and produce the official video clip about this trip. A lot of fun and still a benchmark for all VL-3 Evolution expeditions…